Mastering Digital Marketing for B2B Tech Events

Mastering Digital Marketing for B2B Tech Events

06 Nov 2023 | 3 min read

B2B tech industry events are on the rise, with what are often multi-day programs and hundreds of companies attending. They can be a great opportunity to network, showcase new developments for your brand and discover potential new audiences and partners. 


Because of this, digital event promotion has become increasingly involved and is only enhanced by the continuous nature of digital transformation. So how do you get the most out of an event? Whether you’re organising the event, or attending it yourself, there are things you can do to make the most of the experience.


Define your digital promotion goals

Before you even begin to think about what event promotion looks like, ensure that your goals are clear from the beginning. What outcome are you looking for? Is it an increase in ticket sales? Higher levels of attendance? Are you attending the event and looking to improve your overall brand awareness? Are you looking to pivot or rebrand? Making note of your goals will allow you to tailor your marketing strategy directly in order to best achieve them. 


Utilise email marketing

Look at databases of past attendees, subscribers, and potential attendees through platforms like LinkedIn in order to build a list of people who could be potentially interested. If you’re attending, looking at who else will be there and crafting a list of potential people to reach out to is a great way to begin networking before you even get to the event. Craft an email campaign that will encourage them to attend and keep them informed about your latest developments. 


Leverage social media

We’re all very much aware of the power of social media. Highlighting your event in social media communications, and incorporating news or announcements around the event into existing campaigns is a great way to increase awareness of your event. Posting behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, updates and event promotions and offers is a great way to get your audience excited and encourage them to attend.  


Optimise your website 

Your website is often the first touch point for curious potential attendees wanting to find out more information about your business. Ensure that you are using SEO strategies to increase organic traffic and ensure that you can be found by the right people. Are you using keywords related to the event? Have you created an event landing page? Look at your website from a user's perspective, is it UI/UX friendly? Is navigating the website instinctual? Improving website experience is one way to keep people on your website longer, and increase levels of engagement. 


Partner with other B2B companies 

If you’re attending a big industry event, and feel a little like a small fish in a big pond, a great way to get your voice heard is by partnering with other businesses to cross-promote your attendance. Look at who else aligns with your particular brand voice and values and reach out about supporting each other through communications with both of your audiences in the lead-up, during, and after the event. 


Interact with your audience

Engaging with your audience before, during, and after the event is crucial to ensuring success. Posting key information is fantastic, but engaging with your audience in comments, queries and general discussions is how you keep them engaged. Video marketing has skyrocketed in popularity. Host a live at the event, walk around and take your audience with you. Interview industry thought leaders for reels and commentary that you can share following the event. There are many ways to bring your audience into the experience and build a community around your brand, which only increases engagement and loyalty


Networking doesn’t end once the event does, and it begins long before the day of. Engaging your audience and leveraging marketing strategies like the above can support business growth and enhance your audience engagement to make the most of industry events. Developing marketing strategies that can integrate your attendance at industry events is a great way to engage your audience and expand your network for brand growth.

Looking to find out more about how to develop these strategies? Make a move and get in touch with us today.


Digital Marketing for B2B Tech Events