Partners In Success: UNIfied Energy Appoints Mo Works To Lead Their Growth

Partners In Success: UNIfied Energy Appoints Mo Works To Lead Their Growth

Elizabeth Chen

31 Oct 2021 | 3 min read

Mo Works welcomes UNIfied Energy onboard as our newest partner. We are honoured to be the chosen marketing and creative partner to support UNIfied Energy - one of Australia's leading renewable energy companies.

Mo Works is proud to announce our new partnership with UNIfied Energy Services. We will be supporting the UNIfied team to reach growth objectives and improve brand awareness through our management and strategy services. 

Who is UNIfied Energy?

UNIfied Energy is Australia's leading provider of premium solar and LED solutions. With 10 years of industry experience, UNIfied Energy has helped over 30,000 Australian homes and businesses make the shift to solar.

UNIfied Energy is passionate about renewable energy, and provides tailored solar systems for residential and commercial clients. They are committed to helping Australians achieve energy independence. In order to further expand their reach in helping Australians improve energy efficiency, UNIfied Energy has partnered with Mo Works. 

Challenges of the renewable energy industry 

The reputation of the renewable energy industry has continued to diminish due to the increasing number of unreliable installers. The public fears installing low-quality systems that will not withstand the challenge of time, or worse, damage their properties. 

Hence, it has become challenging for accredited solar companies like UNIfied Energy, to effectively communicate with clients. Through this partnership, Mo Works will address this industry challenge by crafting communication that embraces Unified Energy’s personality, improves the customer experience through the different touchpoints, and reflects their credibility and experience

By expanding on current marketing strategies, our team will help UNIfied Energy create tailored messages to reach different target audiences. For example, multicultural marketing is a strategy often overlooked in the solar industry. Our diverse team will create inclusive campaigns to communicate the benefits of solar in ways that resonate with Australia's multicultural market. 

What is Mo Works' role? 

Our team at Mo Works will help improve UNIfied Energy’s brand awareness and increase sales through:

  • Growth Strategy & Channel Optimisations
  • Ad Buying Management 
  • Social Media & Community Management 
  • Marketing Automation Management 
  • SEO & Website Management
  • Creative Content  

Through our marketing and ad management services, we will scale UNIfied Energy’s business by generating residential and commercial leads. We will also help refine their brand positioning by managing communication across all channels. 

“Partnering with UNIfied Energy is a great opportunity and challenge for us as they're already a successful and growing business. At Mo Works, we pride ourselves on empowering businesses that are building a better future for all. And what better than a clean energy company!” - Mo Hamdouna, Managing Director of Mo Works.

Keep an eye out for more updates as we partner with more businesses in the renewables industry.

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