Open Graph Images: What are they and why you need to care

Open Graph Images: What are they and why you need to care

12 Apr 2021 | 5 min read

Want your content to be more clickable, shareable and noticeable online?

What are Open Graph images? 


An open graph image or OG image is the image that appears when you post website or video content to your social accounts. 

It is part of an important group of meta tags that influence the performance of your content link on social media like Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter. 

Why care about Open Graph images?


  • Increase your conversions and click-through rates. 
  • Help your content stand out on the timeline and boost your engagement. 
  • Effectively communicate to your audience what your content is about.
  • Exhibit your brand’s personality and legitimize your content/make use of the free advertising space.
  • Make your content look professional and reputable. 

Now that you know the benefits of meta tag OG images, let’s take a look at how to use them.


Best practice for uploading OG images.


Don’t forget them!

Before posting your website, blog or video content to Facebook, Linkedin or Pinterest, remember to upload an OG image. If you forget this step, an image will be auto-generated from your content, which looks terrible - trust us. 

OR, even worse - there will be a blank space next to your content when you upload it. This looks unprofessional and unengaging. We don’t want this.

Also, make sure your OG image accurately represents your content. Don’t mislead your audience!

Creating your OG image

Create an open graph image with platforms like Photoshop, Canva, or with a little helping hand from our talented designers who can create any bespoke graphic design assets for your business. 

Set up your OG image

If you are using a platform like WordPress, Wix or Squarespace, you can easily upload your OG image when you publish your content. Alternatively, you can upload your OG image manually.

What size should an OG image be?

The optimum size of an OG image should be 1200 x 627 pixels. 

At this size, your thumbnail will be eye-catching and stand out. Just remember not to exceed the 5MB size limit. 

So, now you’re an expert in OG images, you can ensure that your online content is optimised for engagement and converting your customers.

If your website has got a low CTR through social media, don't forget to check your OG tags. 
We can help you to build an SEO optimised website for your business. Get in touch today!


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OG image

meta tag

meta title

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