7 Growth Hacks to Acquire More Users for Your Tech Product

7 Growth Hacks to Acquire More Users for Your Tech Product

01 Jul 2019 | 6 min read

In order to get your tech product out there, you need to attract attention to it and start your marketing plan. That's only partially true. Of course, your advertising campaign is important, but that doesn't mean that there are no other ways of promoting your product and finding new customers. As a [creative agency](https://moworks.com.au/capabilities/creative) based in Melbourne, we at Mo Works have years of experience launching tech products and solutions to the market. Here are our seven growth hacks to help you acquire more users for your tech product.

1. Find Your Customers

You should first narrow down your target market before you do anything else. It is important to understand who your audience is and plan your strategy according to this information. Do some proper research before assuming things. Ask yourself:

– What are the characteristics of my target audience (age, gender, occupation, etc.)?
– Where do they live?
– What are their buying habits?
– What are their needs and interests?

Once you know the answers to these questions, you will be able to compile buyer profiles and use them to structure further actions around them.

Remember that you won't be able to appeal to everyone at once. You will have to adapt to each new potential customer separately, but mixing all of your customer personas is not a good idea either.

2. Collect Customer Feedback

Your customers should feel like you value them. Show them that you care about their needs and interests. What makes them happy about what you do? Use that in your launch strategy and they will notice and appreciate it.

Collecting customer feedback is your next step to success. You should really know your customers in order to be able to adjust to what they want and provide them with it.

When collecting customer feedback, you will not only get positive reviews but also negative ones. But this isn’t always a bad thing. On the contrary, these complaints will help you optimise your product and eliminate or improve all of its negative aspects.

Always listen to your customers and what they are saying. Respond to their questions in order to establish a connection and show that you value their input.

3. Go Social and Go Global

A strong online presence is crucial for getting exposure to your brand. Your social media accounts are the bridge between what goes on inside your company and the customers that are purchasing your products. 

Social media will also allow you to reach bigger audiences. Going global is important for you to establish a good reputation in various regions around the world. Structure and target your social media marketing campaign to reach different people and attract various buyer personas that you have.

The best social media practices state that two or three accounts on different platforms (depending on your target audience, the goals you are pursuing, and the type of your product) are the most effective way to use social media platforms for your brand.

4. Use Tools to Help You

Nothing can be done if you are doing it by yourself, and with advancements in technology, there are so many tools that can help you complete various actions without having to spend much time on them:

– Keyword Tool: This online tool will help you find the right keywords for your content. Your product pages, social media posts, articles on your blog can all profit from this because search engine optimisation is crucial for ranking higher in search results.
– CoSchedule: This tool will let you control all your social media accounts from one place. You can even schedule posts beforehand.
– Google Alerts: This tool allows you to set up alerts for when certain keywords are mentioned online. You can easily detect customer feedback that way and find sites that mention you but don't backlink to your site (and ask them to do so afterwards).

5. Optimise for Search Engines

As mentioned above, search engine optimisation or SEO is the reason why some businesses rank higher while others don't. The way you optimise your content for search engines, especially Google, will decide the fate of your site in the future.

Most of the time, searchers tend to click on one of the top three results in the search with the number of clicks decreasing with each position. We are used to first check out something we see at once rather than go through the whole list of search results in hopes to find what we need.

What this means for you is that the higher you rank, the more chances you have of getting traffic on your site. By using the right keywords in your titles, headings, sub-headings, and within the text, you increase this probability dramatically.

6. Create Great Content

Creating great content does not only mean a written one. Videos, images, and infographics are all examples of very effective visual content when done right. Here are some tips on how to make them the best you can:

– Quality: Focus on the quality of your videos. Instead of trying to sell your tech product, explain how it works and educate your customers about it.
– Visuals: You have just seconds to connect with your audience, why not let a single image speak volumes in an instant? Images are emotive and emotional connections are powerful. One image can convey a brand’s essence and values, and speak to an overall aesthetic.
– Credit: Place your brand on all marketing materials, especially on social media. Social media content gets shared a lot – so when potential customers find your content, they will be able to associate the product with your brand.
– Call To Action: Always include a call to action. This does not always mean asking your viewer to make a purchase, but it can be a newsletter subscription or another action you want them to complete.

7. Partnerships and Affiliate Programs

Last but not least, partnering with other similar brands and creating affiliate programs for your customers is an amazing way to attract even more users. You can even reach out to influencers in your niche and collaborate with them to promote your product.

Partnering with your competitors can also be beneficial to you. This mutual promotion will elevate you in the eyes of consumers. Moreover, if the brand you are partnering with is more popular than yours, you can profit a lot from their popularity and attract some yourself.


All in all, acquiring new users for your tech product is actually not that difficult. Make a plan according to the tips outlined in this article and act according to it. Once you do so, you will notice that you are making a lot of progress and your stats will improve dramatically. 

Alternatively, allow the team at Mo Works to handle your product launch so that you can focus on the overall business and product development.

We're a creative agency here to help with all aspects of your brand from awareness, to product launches, brand repositioning, market entry, social strategy and more. We’d love to chat, so get in touch!











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