Mo Works is a full-service creative agency based in Melbourne delivering digital solutions that spark conversations, create amazing experiences and harness the transformative power of design.
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Interskills Training is the South Australian training arm of WISE Employment, a leading, accredited provider of disability employment services, recruitment, workplace rehabilitation and training services and programs, assisting thousands of job seekers into employment each year. Interskills draws on WISE Employment's best practices and accolades, including 30 years of experience in the employment services and disability employment sector, working with individuals, employers and community organisations of all sizes, across all sectors.
Last updated in 2013, Interskills felt that its website was outdated and didn’t reflect its newer brand. Additionally, the site was not mobile-friendly and hard to navigate with poor user experience. Thus, they came to Mo Works for help in improving their website.
Our solution
Our team collaborated together to design an easy-to-navigate website that simplifies the webforms process, saving both users’ and Interskills team’s time. On top of that, we also optimised their website for SEO with in-depth research.
Interskills has now a website that helps them to be seen as a leader in the industry and has created a new point of difference for Interskills Training. Creating a great first impression and customer experience for visitors, the website is now a favourite for both visitors and the internal team of Interskills to use.
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