The Secret to Optimising Business ROI, Rewards and Revenue

The Secret to Optimising Business ROI, Rewards and Revenue

30 Aug 2018 | 3 min read

Today, earned media impressions are building brands and paving the way for an open dialogue between companies and their customers, over paid advertising. So how can you ensure your customers are talking about your company, for the right reasons? Follow these 5 essential tips to maximise your customer experience to reap the lasting benefits of ROI, rewards, and revenue.

The rules for building a successful brand haven't changed. Your products or services should speak for themselves and that requires commitment and effort.

Today however, earned media impressions are building brands and paving the way for an open dialogue between companies and their customers, over paid advertising. So how can you ensure your customers are talking about your company, for the right reasons?

Follow these 5 essential tips to maximise your customer experience to reap the lasting benefits of ROI, rewards, and revenue.

1. Trust is Key

The most trusted source of information about your company comes from your highly satisfied customers. Customer opinions hold a level of credibility that can't be bought. Which is why building a positive reputation is integral to fostering strong word-of-mouth marketing for your business.

A strong, personal referral from someone that knows your value and conveys trust in your company is far better than any paid content. Your reputation takes time, effort, and a few mistakes along the way. So build your brand reputation by truly listening to your customers and recognise what has and hasn't been working to their liking.

2. Find Your Point of Differentiation

This is the foundation for word-of-mouth marketing. Ultimately, shoppers trust each other most when making a purchase, and that's something brands can't afford to ignore.

To ensure your product or service is a winner, avoid spreading yourself too thin at all costs. Excelling in your niche and exceeding expectations is what will yield ROI.

If your business is in a much larger market with multiple competitors, incorporate ways to make your service offering more tangible to stand out in the marketplace. The customer experience is all about going above and beyond!

3. Make Your Customers Feel Valued

Clients appreciate the opportunity to share their thoughts with you, as it indicates to them that your business thrives on their feedback. As advocates of your brand, their reviews, recommendations, ratings and stories about their experiences are the best earned media created for your business.

A simple customer experience survey for instance, will help you attain a trusted understanding of your target customers, while also earning positive feedback or constructive criticism for you to improve.

4. This Economy is Based on Relationships!

The customer experience doesn't end once the product has been purchased or your contracted services have concluded. Building and maintaining your customer relationships, regardless of whether it's through follow up e-newsletters or more traditional methods, will open the door to future business opportunities!

While earned media is cost-free, the investment comes from building a relationship with your customers. It truly makes a world of difference, especially thanks to social media.

5. Great Customer Experience Begins Internally

A fulfilling customer experience begins with trust, and it's this very element of trust that should begin within your own team. Getting customers to talk about your company's great customer experience starts with an internal dialogue about what a great experience actually looks like. The most customer-centric companies have a simple vision statement that clearly defines this.

At Mo Works Creative Agency, we are here to get you future ready! We pride ourselves on the full-stack in house capabilities of our specialist team-members across strategy, marketing, and tech expertise. You can trust Mo Works to fuel your company's success in Australia and beyond!

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